査定料は頂きません。無料査定はこちらから >
There is no fee needed for assessment.Click here to request assessment >
Assessment is done in one business day.
We hold auctions semimonthly and understand the market price. Therefore, we are able to make proper pricing.
経験と実績に基づき積極的に高価買取致しております。買取実績はこちら >
We offer high pricing based on our experience.
Click here for our history.
Immediate payment is available either in cash or bank transfer.
全国どこでも引き取りに伺います。お取引成立の場合はその場でお支払いすることも可能です。買取エリアはこちら >
We will visit anywhere in Japan.Click here to see available area >
お電話、お問い合わせフォーム、またはLINEにてお問い合わせください。フォーム、LINEの場合は画像を添付していただきますとスムーズに査定できます。 You could make an inquiry by phone, inquiry form, or LINE. If you could attach a photo of artwork in the inquiry form or LINE, assessment could be proceeded more quickly.
専門スタッフが市場相場をもとに、査定額をお知らせ致します。 Professional staffs will assess your artwork.
査定額にご同意頂けましたら、引き取りのお手続きを致します。 We will go through procedures upon agreement.
出張引き取りVisit your place | 日本全国にお住まいの方、高額作品の場合はお伺いして査定します。その場でお取引成立の場合は現金のお支払い、または即日銀行振込致します。 We will visit anywhere in Japan. If an agreement is concluded at the sight, we will make payment by cash or bank transfer. |
配送引き取りSend in your artwork to our gallery | 日本全国どこからでも、弊社着払いで作品を送って頂けます。作品が到着しましたら査定し、お客様の指定口座へ即日お振込致します。 You could send your artwork to us. After receiving your artwork, we will make assessment, and make payment by bank transfer. |
持込みBringing in your artwork to our gallery | 事前にご連絡頂き弊社に直接作品をお持込みください。その場でお取引成立の場合は現金のお支払い、または即日銀行振込致します。 Please contact us beforehand in case you plan to bring in your artwork to our gallery. If an agreement is concluded at the sight, we will make payment by cash or bank transfer. |
受付時間 11:00~17:00(月~金曜日)
Open from 11:00 to 17:00(Mon to Fri)
Please add us to your friends’ list and send a photo of your artwork.
Open “LINE,” and tap “Home” > “+”
Tap “QR code” and start the camera.
Scan the QR code above.
Tap “add” and add us to your friends’ list and registration is completed.
Please fill out the form below and click the “Send” button. Inquiry by the form is available in 24 hours.